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Consent Form for BIMERR Online Questionnaire

You are invited to participate in a web-based online questionnaire for the Living Lab Activities of BIMERR Horizon 2020 project. This is a research project being conducted by the BIMERR consortium of partners. Your participation in this questionnaire is voluntary. You may refuse to take part in the research or exit the questionnaire at any time without penalty. You are free to decline to answer any particular question you do not wish to answer for any reason.

You will receive no direct benefits from participating in this research study. However, your responses may help us for the development of the BIMERR solution. There are no foreseeable risks involved in participating in this questionnaire other than those encountered in day-to-day life. BIMERR does not collect identifying information such as your IP address. However, BIMERR Consortium will store in internal database some personal information such as Name, Surname and contact details for use in the future versions of Questionnaires and other Living Lab Activities. This database will be strictly accessible only by members of the BIMERR Consortium and only for the lifecycle of the project until its end in July 2022.

For that reason, in the next page of the questionnaire you will be asked for your function and your personal information so you can be contacted in future Living Lab Activities. If you do not choose to provide personal information you cannot proceed to the next page of the questionnaire. In addition, no names or identifying information would be included in any publications or presentations based on these data, and your responses to this questionnaire will remain confidential.

If you have questions at any time about the questionnaire, Living Lab workshops or the procedures, you may contact the Project Coordinator Dr Erion Elmasllari in the following email address:

Thank you in advance for your participation!

Consent Terms

  • Agree and Consent on the Questionnaires Consent Form and its Privacy Policy
  • You have read and agree the above information and you agree to be contacted on future BIMERR Living Lab activities such as Workshops and new versions of the Questionnaire
  • Specifically, and expressly consent to the use of your personal information to be circulated strictly inside the BIMERR Consortium

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